Friday, November 13, 2009

Tissue Anyone?

God Bless You! God Bless You! Ah, fuck it..

Sunday, September 20, 2009

May I have some more taxes please?

What will they tax next? Are we about to consider following the Chinese and start taxing couples that have more than one child? The only way it seems that the government can make us want to "conform" to their "Yes, we can" way of thinking is through our wallets. In an article published by the New England Journal of Medicine, the taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages is a great mean to both lower health care costs for individual American citizens and help local governments with financial stability.

Ok, granted drinking a 12-pack of Pepsi in a 2 day period is by far not the healthiest decision one could make, but where do we draw the line? I have not met one person that quit smoking cigarettes just because the government placed a tax hike on tobacco. Smokers are still supporting their one pack a day routine.

The Journal shows many studies conducted showing the relationship between Soda consumption and diabetes, heart disease and obesity - with obesity being the main concern in children. No.1, children are obese because their parents' are too afraid to tell their kids' to get off there asses from in front of the T.V. and do an active activity. Parents today would rather have their children play X-Box 360 for twelve hours straight attempting to beat the newest game out instead of doing something productive that, hey, may actually be a character building activity.

All I'm saying is that I'm getting tired of having to reach in my wallet every time to try and fix someone's ignorance of personal health. Put down the remote and soda and find a concrete path in a park somewhere Professor Clump. 30 minutes just every other day would be a great way to both feel more confident about yourself and lower your chances of potential deadly illnesses later in life.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Former Police Officer, Now Med School Bound

Well everyone, I would like to invite you on an endeavor I am currently undertaking. Before we can move forward, we have to look at the past. So this is my past, I was in the Army for 4 years. Since being discharged from the military, I have been a police officer at a local government and a major metropolitan government in the state where I reside. I have had zero medical experience before accepting a position at a local emergency room. The similarities in law enforcement and emergency care are quite amazing to me.

My position at the emergency room is basically the same as a scribe that some doctors' have working with them. I basically follow the doctor around pretty much wherever they go. I really enjoy the work and find it to be very educational. I have learned probably as much in the past 3 months as a "scribe" than most first year nursing students learn.

Anyway, back to the similarities between a beat cop and an inspiring emergency room physician. I have seen more patients that have been former "clients" of mine than not - maybe that could be why the "pill seekers" seem to leave AMA!? But the attitudes of emergency room patients and prisoners seem to be the same - "Give me what I want when I want it or I'll Sue Your Ass!!" Come on buddy, get in line like the rest. The only main difference I can tell between the two "classes" so for is that the inmate is trying to talk you out of a few cigarettes where the patient is talking you out of Lortab...

Do I miss law enforcement? Sure I do but was being the police worth all of the s*** that came with it? NO! I mean the ER can get stressful but at least one of the few things I have to think about in the ER is getting shot or stabbed. Not that either one of those isn't a possibility, it's just not as likely.

But everybody that is a brief history about me and the good interesting cases are soon to come. All my blogs will not be medical related at all times. I have a great sense of humor so be expecting that too...Thanks for stopping by..